Tuesday 29 January 2013

Chosen Location

Anglia Square
the chosen place for our thriller opening is going to be Anglia Square, the reason for this is because it is ideal for tight chase scenes and run-down dodgy areas which help understand the story. Anglia Square is the place we are shooting in because it would be the perfect place for a 'deal' to happen as its already quite shady, but it is not a common nice place for a average person to visit. the first shot requires a large open area which can provide a lot of variety to the shots as it focuses mainly on the expression and loneliness of Edward. the car park area of Anglia Square is great for this as it has a long road which is very wide and not to busy with cars, the are can also be shot from behind several fences which will look great when trying to present him as if he is trapped in this situation. the graffiti wall behind where the character will be is also effective as it builds on the rundown feel and will look great when filiming in a wide angle.

The area also gives us a variation in terms of height with places such as this staircase, which we will be able to continue the chase up and again get more variety for the opening. the top of the stairs is great as we will be able to get birds eye veiw shots from the top which will look good when being chased. the stairs also gives us the chances to give more variety in the locations meaning that we can take the chase to different parts of Anglia Square easily.

 The rest of Anglia Square is just ideal for our whole shoot and we will be filming over the whole place and even down by a near by subway area which we able us to continue the chase to different areas, Anglia Square also has a loading bay for the shops which we will use for the final shot we do by capturing the character in a dead end. the scenery around is also perfect as on a cloudy miserable day the buildings look grey and dull, which we can use to help bring out the feelings of the characters and mood. 

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