At the time of getting feedback for our rough cuts of the thrillers, mine was very much incomplete due to computer problems, but with what i did have i got some positive and negative comments back about things to improve and things that went well. One piece of positive feedback i got addressed the shot with Edward running down and around the corner and while doing so, placing his hand of the railing. When i came to editing that piece i knew from the start i wanted that to look smooth and to have the timing perfect, also i feel that shot reverse shots are a great way to break up shots and to add more variety which is what that scene needed. They also went on to say the shot with Edward walking back into the corner with nowhere to go, the shot was an interesting one as at the beginning of the shot Edwards figure and face is quite blurred. Obviously this was not planned, but i ended up using the shot and it worked out really well. following Edward into the corner was also interesting as we didn't use a dolly and so it was purely hand filmed, which help build on the effect of Edward stumbling back into the corner.
One piece of feedback was that the sound was quite bad in some places and that the wind levels were very loud over the natural sound of everything else. On several occasions i was told that the sound was the main problem and again mainly due to lack of progression because of the computer problems, but also from the wind. In response to several points about the sound i spent more time trying to fix it then i did editing because of how bad some of the recordings were. Luckily when filming, we had two cameras which meant while filming we could also get some sound with a microphone we had also brought. So to fix the problems, i had to take audio footage from clips and replace with others, i also had to overlap sounds sometimes. One piece of feedback said that when fixing the sound problems, try to keep in the raw sounds, which i did with most shots particularly with the bag shot. When it came to the shot of the bag with Edward gripping on to it tightly and opening, i had to take the good bits of the sound and mix it with other recordings we had done to get it right.
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